SJSSL Rules & Regulations
South Jersey Senior Softball League
By-Laws of the South Jersey Senior Softball League
(a New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation)
(Gold, Platinum and Diamond Divisions and Wednesday League)
As amended and Adopted, November 2022
Revisions in /red strikethrough and blue items tabled for future discussion and revisions
These by-laws represent a covenant among the members of the South Jersey Senior Softball League (SJSSL), and have been adopted in good faith by the Gold, Platinum and Diamond divisions and Wednesday League. For the sake of brevity and convenience, The South Jersey Senior Softball League will be referred to throughout this document as "the League."
While it is recognized that no written charter is ever perfect in its language, these by-laws do represent a combination of ideas that, by their very nature, express the common will of those entering into the covenant. Every effort has been made to state the basic ideas with brevity, clarity and precision. It is the intent or sense of the language rather than the wording itself that gives the ideas their force. It is in that spirit that ambiguities or conflicts in interpretation will be resolved.
1.1 – NAME
The name of the organization shall be THE SOUTH JERSEY SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE (Gold, Platinum and Diamond divisions and Wednesday League).
The official address of the League shall be the home address of the President of the League or designee.
The League shall be comprised of all those players who are registered as members according to the current year. The proper entry form shall be submitted by the player or team manager to the appropriate league official League Secretary. All players must be the appropriate age level for each division during the calendar year in which they are playing.
The League shall be governed by an Administrative Committee, which shall include an Executive Board and the Team Managers. The members of these two groups shall govern in accordance with these by-laws.
The League may change its name, at its pleasure by a two-thirds (2/3) combined majority of the Administrative Committee.
The League's officers may seek legal counsel in the interest of the League, or retain an attorney at law to represent the League in legal matters.
The League may dissolve itself at its pleasure by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Administrative Committee. The vote to dissolve must be by a secret ballot. Termination of the League shall occur on December 1st following the official tally and announcement of dissolution. All monies in the treasury at the time of dissolution shall be allotted to outstanding debts and other financial obligations. Any remaining monies in the treasury shall be distributed to local charities as determined by the Administrative Committee.
Any changes in these by-laws must be approved by a combined two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Administrative Committee in attendance at an announced league-wide meeting.
The League is organized and shall operate for the enjoyment, interest and welfare of all its players. The League is dedicated to:
1. Believing that all players/seniors have a right to play since it is a recreational league. (This revision should provide an opportunity for a healthy AC discussion about our league)-tabled for now
2. Promoting camaraderie, good sportsmanship and the common good of its members and the community at large.
3. Encouraging its members to participate in community affairs.
4. Providing an interchange of information among its members.
5. Representing the League at meetings of the State and National Softball associations; and
6. Developing annual budgets, collecting dues and disbursing funds for the payment of umpire fees, playing equipment, and health and safety equipment.
The right of membership in the League belongs to every player who has registered his name within the current year according to the proper entry form. All players must be the appropriate age level for each division during the calendar year in which they are playing.
Membership in the League automatically confers the right of a member to attend regular meetings of the League and to voice his opinion in open discussions. Any member in good standing (such as: currently not serving a suspension for inappropriate behavior; not having been assigned in the past a suspension for the rest of a year, and/or for a year or more; nor owing monies to the league) may see and hold office in the League.
A member also has the right to inspect the minutes of the regular meetings of the League and, upon request, may obtain a copy of the minutes from the League Secretary. Members also have the right to be informed of any action planned or initiated by the League that might affect him directly.
It shall be the responsibility of all members to be acquainted with and abide by the League’s by-laws and/or current published League rules and/or playing rules, and to cooperate in preserving the character, quality and standards of the League by exhibiting proper sportsmanship conduct.
3.4 -- ETHICS
It is explicit in the stated purpose of the League that its function and activities should be helpful to its members. It is, therefore, contrary to the spirit of this organization that any members should:
1. Make use of his membership or office in the League for personal advantage, especially where such advantage is detrimental to the League as a whole.
2. Make use of his membership in office in the League to exploit or deliberately mislead another member.
3. Misrepresent the League in community affairs regarding official position, sponsorship, and participation in or sanction of any activity initiated by another organization.
4. Misuse or misappropriate League funds, or to cause such funds to be obligated without official authorization (committee recommends a more specific paper trail and reported accounting). This includes monthly treasurer’s reports of expenses and revenues, use of invoices for all transactions, proper storage of receipts, no blank checks signed in advance, and double signatures required of all checks over $200.
The governance of the League shall be the purview of the Administrative Committee, which will be comprised of two entities: The Executive Board and the Team Managers.
The Executive Board shall be composed of the League’s President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, (the new) Fields Coordinator/Scheduler, and three Vice Presidents, one from each of the League’s three divisions, and the Wednesday League Commissioner.
The Executive Board shall have full authority over the League’s financial decisions and the League’s Player safety and health issues. lt will also prepare and oversee the League’s budget and determine the assessment of team dues.
It will also be responsible for the resolution of disputes that may arise among players and/or managers, and for solving any disciplinary problems that may arise that are contrary to the League’s by-laws, League rules and mission statement.
It will supervise the activities of all committees, and interpret the League’s by-laws where such interpretation is required to settle disputes or provide legal argument.
The President only votes in case of a tie vote, in order to break a tie.
The Team Managers Shall be composed of the duly appointed/elected team managers of the current season calendar year from each of the three Sunday divisions and the Wednesday league.
This group shall have the sole responsibility for the conduct of their respective players and for the teams’ adherence to the League’s by-laws and current published League rules and/or playing rules.
They shall have voting privileges for all League issues, except for those reserved for the Executive Board as outlined in these by-laws. Only managers the Administrative Committee may vote for and elect members to the Executive Board. You must be in attendance to vote.
The League shall post and communicate in advance and give proper notice to all members of any issues to be raised for League governance.
They may void an Executive Board decision by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, except for fiscal and safety and health policy decisions.
1. Shall undertake all activities necessary to fulfill the operation and objectives of the League.
2. Shall preside over all meetings of the Team Managers and the Executive Board.
3. Shall, by virtue of his office, be Chairman of the Team Managers.
4. Shall, at his discretion, create and dissolve ad hoc committees.
5. Shall officially represent the League to any organization where such representation is appropriate or appoint an appropriate delegate to take their place.
6. Shall have veto power over all Executive Board or Team Managers’ majority votes. The Administrative Committee may override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.
6. Shall cast a tie-breaking vote on Executive Board and/or Team Managers’ issues. (See Article 4.1)
7. Shall exercise all other duties incident to the office of the President.
8. Shall be elected annually, but limited to three consecutive terms in office. There shall be no extensions or exceptions.
1. Shall assist the President in any or all issues relevant to the League.
2. Shall assume the duties of the President at all meetings of the League when the President is absent or unable to attend.
3. Shall act as President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
4. Shall oversee the functions and duties of the divisional Vice Presidents/Wednesday League Commissioner (VP/C) such as return VP/C phone calls, attend divisional/Wednesday meetings as needed, deal with divisional/Wednesday issues as needed in consultation with the VP’s/Commissioner.
5. Shall be elected annually, but limited to three consecutive terms in office.
1. Shall record the official minutes of League meetings and forward copies of the minutes to the Administrative Committee.
2. Shall keep a complete and accurate record of all motions passed and actions taken by the Administrative Committee.
3. Shall maintain an alphabetical listing of the name of all League members, their age, home address, email address and telephone number. All of this information must be kept confidential and not published or otherwise distributed.
4. Shall carry out all correspondence authorized by the Administrative Committee.
5. Shall exercise all other duties incident to the office of the Secretary.
6. Shall be elected annually, but limited to three consecutive terms in office. Shall be elected annually, but not be subject to term limit. (voted on and approved Nov 14, 2023)
1. Shall receive and maintain responsibility and custody of all funds and assets of the League.
2. Shall keep complete and accurate records of all expenditures and financial transactions of League monies, and shall make these records available for inspection at the December meeting.
3. Shall deposit all League monies in an approved account within fifteen (15) days after receipt.
4. Shall promptly disburse treasury funds in satisfaction of proper demands upon the League as authorized by the President.
5. Shall notify a team of funds in arrears if entrance fees or special assessments have not been remitted by the required date.
6. Shall render a complete monthly financial report at League meetings, and shall submit that report to the Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.
7. Shall be elected annually, but limited to three consecutive terms in office. Shall be elected annually, but not be subject to term limit. (voted on and approved Nov 14, 2023)
NOTE: The Administrative Committee shall have the authority to combine the Treasurer and Secretary positions into one office when deemed warranted.
E. Field Coordinator/Scheduler (FC/S)
Shall create a schedule for each season (summer and Fall) for both Sunday and Wednesday Leagues in coordination with the VP/Commissioner of each division. Input will be sought from managers during the process to try and accommodate requests that do not impact competitive fairness. All teams will have an equal number of games scheduled and attempts will be made to evenly distribute field locations.
Shall recruit/organize a team of volunteers to provide guidance in order to acquire enough fields for each season. Volunteers will help acquire the necessary paperwork and communicate with contacts to get the annual signed users field permits. The coordinator will communicate regularly with each field volunteer to make sure the fields are used appropriately. This may include practices, games, and cooperating with other organizations.
Shall create a database of information about each field including contacts, phone numbers, fees, and other pertinent information.
Shall exercise all rights and privileges of the Executive Board directly or through a proxy.
Shall report to the Executive Vice President.
Shall be elected annually, but not be subject to term limit.
1. Shall be elected by the Managers Administrative Committee of their division to serve on the Executive Board. There will be one Vice President from each of the Gold, Platinum and Diamond divisions and the Wednesday league commissioner.
2. Shall exercise all rights and privileges of the Executive Board directly or through a proxy.
3. Shall be in charge of the player pool in each of the respective divisions, all of which shall be consistent with League rules.
4. Shall be a member of the Playing rules committee (see 8.2.1 below). League-wide Rules must be approved by a majority vote of the managers.Administrative Committee.
5. Shall report to the Executive Vice President
6. Shall not be subject to term limits.
1 Any League member in good standing can apply to become a Team Manager and can be appointed by a confirmation vote of the existing team managers in his division.
2 If a team has two managers, or an assistant manager, only one can represent his team and vote during League meetings.
3 Team Managers are responsible for maintaining sportsmanlike conduct of their team members on the field in accordance with the League rules.
4 Team Managers shall have voting privileges for all League issues except for those reserved for the Executive Board as outlined in these by-laws.
5 Shall approve annually the Playing Rules of their specific to their division with oversight by the Executive Board.
6 Team Managers for Fall both Sunday and Wednesday seasons shall have voting privileges for only Fall all season issues. Fall managers from the preceding calendar year will have voting privileges for the following spring summer season.
7 Team Managers may, by a majority vote, declare a managerial position vacant when a manager of or his designee has been absent for three consecutive meetings to the best of their ability. Their Managers and VP/Commissioner reserve the right to reinstate the manager upon evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the unexcused absences. Managers are encouraged to send a designee/proxy to meetings they cannot attend.
8 Shall not be subject to term limits.
Any member of the Administrative Committee may be suspended or removed from his position if he fails to perform his duties as determined by the President and approved by a majority of the Administrative Committee in a secret ballot.
The purpose of collecting an entrance fee shall be to place and maintain sufficient funds in the treasury for use by the League as commitments and obligations may warrant. The team entrance fee must be paid in full by the date set by the Executive Board.
The team entrance fee/dues shall be collected from every team in the League in the full amount fixed by the Executive Board. Entrance fees shall be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
6.3 – DUE DATE
The entrance fee shall be collected by the League at the beginning of each season at a date determined by the Executive Board.
In the event that a team voluntarily withdraws or is removed from the League, no portion of the League entrance fee shall be refunded to the team and its players.
7.1 – BUDGET
The approved budget for the fiscal year shall represent the purchasing authority of the League. The Executive Board by an appropriate date shall review the fiscal requirements for the coming year and make budgetary recommendations. The preliminary budget adopted must be sufficient to cover the anticipated obligations for the coming year.
The fiscal year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st.
Checks and withdrawal slips may be drawn over the signature of the Treasurer or President of the League. Checks or withdrawals in excess of $500.00 $200.00 must be signed by the Treasurer and the President or his designee, who must be a member of the Executive Board.
7.4 – AUDITS
The Administrative Committee shall audit the financial records of the League at the December meeting, and at other times at their appropriate discretion.
The purposes of the various committees shall be to review their respective areas of responsibilities and to recommend plans of action and practical solutions to problems that may arise.
The League shall have three standing committees: the Rules Committee, the Players Pool Committee, and the Advertising/Public Relations Committee.
1. THE RULES COMMITTEE shall be comprised of the Vice Presidents of each of the three divisions, the Wednesday League commissioner and the Executive Vice President of the League, who shall serve as the Chair of the committee. The Executive Vice President can ask for other ad hoc members to serve as needed. They shall be responsible for the annual review and amendments to the League’s playing rules for both the Sunday and Wednesday seasons in both the Summer and Fall seasons. The rules must be submitted to and approved by a majority of the Team Managers in their division Administrative Committee before the beginning of each season. This committee shall report at each regular League meeting when there is a rule change under consideration.
2. THE PLAYER’S POOL COMMITTEE shall be comprised of the Vice Presidents of each of the three divisions and the Executive Vice President of the League who shall serve as Chair of the committee. It shall be their task to keep a list of pool or “on-call” players who are not permanent members of any of the League teams, but who are willing to substitute or fill in when a team is short of players. It is imperative that this committee develops fair and equitable standards for the distribution of pool players. This needs to be discussed and revised. This committee shall report at each regular League meeting when there is an issue with the pool. The Executive Vice President shall have veto???? power over pool player appointments. to permanent rosters, all of which shall be consistent with League rules. To be tabled for now.
3. THE ADVERTISING/PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE shall be comprised of one or two members of the Administrative Committee. It is the function of this committee to reach out and attract eligible men in the community who wish to participate in Senior Softball. This committee will also be in charge of the League’ public relations outreach and seek new ways for our League to participate in community events that are in keeping with the League’s Mission Statement. This committee shall report at each regular League meeting. This committee will be organized when called upon to do so by the Executive Board and report as needed.
1. Ad Hoc committees shall be created at the discretion of the President as appropriate and shall be dissolved no later than the end of the business year of their creation.
2. Members of the Executive Board, Team Managers, or League members in good standing may concurrently serve on one or more committees, and they must agree to serve on the committee until it is dissolved.
Any candidate who wishes to run for election to the Executive Board must be a member in good standing of the Gold, Platinum or Diamond Divisions and Wednesday League.
Any member of the Team Managers Administrative Committee may nominate someone to be a candidate for positions on the Executive Board. Each manager should canvass his team members for volunteers who are willing to serve on the Executive Board. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes from the eligible voters at the meeting on the Team Managers will be considered duly elected to that position.
The offices of League President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be elected annually, but limited to three one-year terms in office in order to ensure that new members become involved in the League’s governance.
Only current members of the Team Managers Administrative Committee are eligible to vote for candidates for office on the Executive Board.
Elections for officers of the League take place at the December October (with the exception of 2022 which will be held in December) meeting. Newly elected officers shall begin a transition term of office immediately following the election while working with the existing officers during the fall season. Newly elected officers shall officially begin their terms of office at the beginning of the new calendar year, January 1st.
A candidate who receives a simple majority of votes for an office shall be considered elected to that office.
Although a declaration of intent to serve a full term is conditional to a nomination, events may require an Executive Board member to resign before completing his term. In such a case, that member may resign providing provided the member submits his resignation in writing to the Administrative Committee at least ten days before vacating his office.
Only a member of the Administrative Committee may make a motion concerning League governance. The motion then needs to be seconded before the pros and cons of the motion can be discussed and voted upon. Only the members of the Administrative Committee can vote on motions that affect the League's governance.
10.2 – QUORUM
A simple majority of the Administrative Committee must be present to constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of those present is required to approve a motion (except for by-law revisions requiring a ⅔ majority).
Each member of the Administrative Committee shall be limited to only one ballot in voting on a motion. In the case where an Administrative Committee member knows he will be absent for a vote, he can designate someone to cast a proxy vote for him.
10.4 – BALLOTS
A secret open ballot/show of hands will be used for the election of all members of the Executive Board. When voting on a motion is called, a show of hands will be the method of casting a vote, unless a Committee member asks for a secret ballot, in which case the request for a secret ballot must be seconded and passed by a simple majority of eligible voters.
The League President shall not vote on motions affecting the League's governance; however, in the case of a tie vote of the Team Managers Administrative Committee or The Executive Board, the President shall cast a deciding vote to break the tie.
11.1 – TYPES
1. League Meetings: These are regularly scheduled meetings of the League, normally scheduled on a monthly basis as long as there is important League business to be discussed. Time and place are to be determined by the President.
2. Team Managers and/or Executive Board Meetings: These meetings may be held by either group to accomplish League business, such as holding a draft of players. Executive Board members may meet separately to accomplish League business, such as financial or personnel issues.
3. Emergency Meetings: The Lease President may call emergency meetings to negotiate any business or personnel matters. All actions and decisions taken must be recorded by the Secretary and made available to all.
All League meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (revised). The order of business shall be:
1. Call to Order.
2. Reading of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report.
4. Officers’ Reports.
5. Committee Reports.
6. Old Business.
7. New Business.
8. Open Forum.
9. Adjournment.
Any member of the League may propose an amendment to these by-laws in the following manner:
1. The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Administrative Committee.
2. The Administrative Committee shall review the proposed amendment and, after discussion and if deemed appropriate, a recommendation shall be made to submit the proposal to a vote.
3. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Administrative Committee shall be required for adoption.
4. These by-laws should be reviewed every 5-7 years by the Rules Committee or more frequently if needed in order for the league to stay current with its mission.
Any situation or rule not covered in the by-laws or playing rules shall be resolved by a majority vote of the Administrative Committee of the League.