SJSSL PLaying Rules Adopted March 2024
SJSSL Rules & Regulations
Sunday Divisions and Wednesday League Rules
Adopted March 22, 2024
(All changes approved since 2022
are highlighted in this darker red.)
The South Jersey Senior Softball League (“the League”) program is designed to offer recreational play for anyone age 45 or over. All qualified participants in the program are required to abide by the rules of the League as well as the rules governing Senior Softball USA (“SSUSA”). The League has agreed to utilize the Official Senior Softball-USA Rulebook (SSUSA latest edition) as the basis for its playing rules, with the below rules representing exceptions to the published SSUSA Rules that are unique to SJSSL as well as rules that should be emphasized from the SSUSA Rules.
The Board of Directors of the League reserves the right to add or subtract to and from the SSUSA Rulebook in adapting to special League circumstances. The Mission Statement of the League is “TO PROVIDE EXERCISE, FELLOWSHIP AND BALANCED AND FRIENDLY COMPETITION IN A POSITIVE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS AND VOLUNTEERS.”
CODE OF CONDUCT (see Appendix)
Rules governing all League activities are detailed below:
Games that have completed 5 innings (or 4.5 innings if the home team is ahead) shall be considered “official.”
Courtesy batters are permitted in all leagues as follows:
1. A courtesy batter must be announced to the umpire before the batter stands in to bat.
2. A maximum of three players per game can be identified as a courtesy batter.
3. A courtesy batter must be replaced once reaching base.
4. A courtesy batter may run for extra bases at his own risk of being put out.
5. A double play involving the courtesy batter is in play at all times, except:
6. If the courtesy batter hits the ball and the ball reaches the outfield grass, the Courtesy batter cannot be thrown out at first base.
7. Infielders (including the short fielder) may position themselves on the grass, but are then considered to be in the outfield and cannot make a double play on the courtesy batter going to first base. Additionally, if the ball reaches the grass, the courtesy batter cannot be thrown out at first base by any defensive player.
Courtesy runners are permitted in all divisions, as follows:
1a. Any player on a line-up sheet can be used as a courtesy runner.
1b. A player may run a maximum of one time per inning during a game, including extra innings. Thus, there is no maximum number of times a player can be a courtesy runner in a game.
1c. A player may run for himself in the same inning as he is a courtesy runner.
2. If a potential courtesy runner goes onto the field and touches the base he is potentially reaching, he must inherit that base as a runner and cannot be replaced by another runner unless injured. If replaced, except for reason of injury, the second courtesy runner is declared an out.
3. Any courtesy runner who is on base when his turn to bat comes up will be declared automatically out and must come off of the base. However, the same courtesy runner then immediately proceeds to take his turn at bat in the regular lineup, OR start the next inning should that out be the third out.
4. If a player is pulled for a courtesy runner, that player cannot be a courtesy runner in the same inning. If that player does take the base as a courtesy runner in the same inning, he will be called out.
1. Bats must be marked with the ASA, SSUSA/senior softball sticker and/or 1.21 BPF stamps or lower (ex. 1.20 BPF) for use in all Sunday divisions and the Wednesday League. Titanium bats are illegal.
2. A manager who wants to challenge the use of a bat by a player on the opposing team would ask the umpire to examine the bat for the above markings. As long as the bat is marked the ASA/SSUSA/senior softball sticker and/or 1.21 stamps, use of the bat shall be permitted.
3. If a manager suspects that a bat has been illegally altered, SSUSA rules apply. The bat may be confiscated for testing. The owner of the bat will be reimbursed in an amount up to $350 to cover the cost of replacing the bat. A receipt for the new bat must be provided by the player. The League will absorb the cost of having the bat examined.
4. SSUSA rules apply, except there will be no penalty for the team manager, subject to the Executive Board making the final decision.
5. If a player is injured with a batted ball, the umpire/league should consider confiscating the bat, if appropriate, for inspection by the League. The batter must give the bat to the umpire or league official at a later time or face league penalties.
Only League approved balls may be used.
Ownership of Equipment
1. All game equipment (such as bats, bases, balls, scorebooks, screens or other miscellaneous items) purchased and paid for by the League are the property of the League.
2. All game equipment (such as bats, bases, balls, scorebooks, screens or other miscellaneous items) purchased and paid for by a manager are the property of the Manager.
Pitching Rubber
The pitching rubber must be 24 inches in length.
Pitching Screen
1. The home team shall provide the pitcher’s protective screen.
2. Pitching screen’s need to be anchored sufficiently so that they can withstand a hit from a batted ball and not be blown over by the wind. It is recommended to use small sand bags for this purpose so that the screen can be moved from side to side.
Protective Gear
The catcher and umpire are encouraged to wear protective gear, although this is optional.
Softball Shoes
Shoes with metal spikes are not permitted.
1. Teams are expected to have matching hats and shirts, although hats are optional.
2. Team shirts must have numbers.
3. Players must remain in full uniform throughout the game.
Game Day
1. The manager designated as the home field manager for game one is required to inspect the field the morning of the games to determine field conditions.
2. The field inspection is to be done no later than 8 a.m. on Sundays and 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays.
3. If the field is considered unplayable, the home team manager must call the visiting manager first, then call the umpire to advise the games are cancelled.
4. The game day manager may delegate the inspection to a player on his team who resides in close proximity to the field but must himself contact the visiting manager and the umpire if cancelling the games is warranted.
Bases are set 65 feet from one another. The first base and third base are set with the back of the base at 65 feet from back point of home plate. Second base is set at 92 feet from the back point of home plate.
Commitment Line
The commitment line is drawn 25 feet from the home plate (or 40 feet from third base).
Placement of the Pitching Screen and Pitching Rubber
1. The pitching screen shall be placed forty-five (45) feet from the back point of home plate.
2. The pitching rubber shall be placed fifty (50) feet from the back point of home plate.
3. The pitcher must pitch from a distance no greater than fifty-five (55) feet from the back point of home plate.
4. The inner edge of the pitching screen must be flush to the edge of the pitching rubber, depending upon whether the pitcher is left-handed or right-handed. Two lines will be drawn from the pitching rubber to the screen and marked with chalk or flour. The screen must be flush next to the line drawn.
5. The pitching screen cannot be moved once the defensive inning has started (see game rules for additional details).
6. A right-handed pitcher must pitch from the right side of the screen. A left-handed pitcher must pitch from the left side of the screen.
Home Plates
There will be two based at the home plate area, a “scoring” base located eight (8) feet to the left of the home plate in line with first base, and the “regular” extended plate or attached mat.
Home Team Sets up the field
The home team manager for the first game shall be responsible for setting up the field and providing all necessary equipment, including one new ball and one other “usable” back-up ball. The visiting team shall provide the balls for the second game.”
Placement of First Base
1. A white and a separate orange base are utilized at first base. A minimum of twelve (12) inches is to separate the two bases (Note: The use of the “combined” white and orange bags is, therefore, prohibited).
2. The white and orange bases should be as similar as possible in thickness and density to provide for the safety of players.
Placement of the Cones in the Outfield
(For Wednesday League and Diamond Division games only, the following applies):
1. Cones will be placed 165 feet from home plate.
2. Outfielders must position themselves behind the cones before a play begins but may move inside the cones after the batter has made contact with the ball in order to make a defensive play. However, the short fielder is considered an infielder and is not subject to this restriction. This applies only when a courtesy batter is up to bat. The short fielder may play anywhere on the field even when a courtesy batter is up to bat.
3. At least one cone should be placed on foul lines to assist the umpire in making calls regarding a hit being in fair or foul territory.
Park Rules and Regulations
1. All rules established by the authorities for the parks and fields utilized by the League must be adhered to.
2. Violation of park rules and regulations will result in ejection from the games that day. Additional violations will result in suspension from the League.
League Rules on Use of Alcoholic Beverages, Marijuana or Tobacco Products
1. Whether or not specifically prohibited by the authorities for the parks and fields, the use of alcoholic beverages or marijuana is prohibited during the games because of the risk of diminished capacity and the increased possibility of injuries.
2. Smoking of cigarettes is prohibited in the dugout or bench areas. Players who do smoke are requested to do so a sufficient distance from other players.
Wednesday League Only Championship Games Field Selection
Championship games to be played either at Challenge Grove, Kirkwood or Atkinson #2 fields.
1. Games can be cancelled by the game umpire(s) or by mutual agreement of the game managers should conditions be deemed unplayable. In the event there is disagreement between the managers, the Division Vice President or Wednesday League Commissioner should be contacted to make the decision. If these officers cannot be reached, any other league officer is authorized to make the decision.
2. Games may be also cancelled for extreme heat or cold weather temperatures by the Sunday Division VP or Wednesday League Commissioner.
3. An umpire may cancel a game or games due to bad weather or bad field conditions.
4. Generally, games should be played if the game time temperature is 45 degrees or above.
5. Cancellation of a game already in progress should be considered in the event of increasing high temperatures that present a real health risk to players.
6. Generally, no games should be cancelled until the morning of the game unless agreement has been reached to cancel the games the previous evening.
7. If the games are to be cancelled, the Home Team manager must notify the umpire coordinator no later than 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and 8:00 a.m. on Sundays.
8. Notification of game cancellations must be promptly made to the Sunday VP or Wednesday Commissioner. Managers are responsible for notifying all members of their team of the cancellation.
9. In the event the games are cancelled, the players at the own discretion and risk may decide to come to the field and/or remain for batting practice.
Caused by a Player, Manager or Team
The following rule is consistent with the SSUSA rulebook. It is included for emphasis:
If in the umpire’s judgment a team consciously attempts to delay the start or continuation of a game, the umpire may after issuing a warning, immediately begin to call balls and strikes.
Reporting to the League webmaster
1. The home team manager for the first game shall should communicate the scores by 4.p.m. of the game day to the League’s webmaster.
2. Any problems concerning umpires or game-related issues are to be communicated by the home team manager to the Sunday Division VP or Wednesday League Commissioner.
At Bat Etiquette
This rule confirms to the SSUSA rulebook. It is included for emphasis:
1. At no time can a catcher or any opposing team member distract the batter once the ball is pitched. Specifically, talking or shouting out while the ball is in the air is prohibited.
2. The umpire will issue a warning the first time this rule is violated. A second offense will result in disqualification of the offending player for the rest of that game.
Base Running at First Base
1. When there is a play made at first base, the batter/runner must touch the orange base ONLY.
2. If any portion of the white base is touched, the batter/runner will be deemed “out” IF called out by the umpire; however, the ball will remain live.
3. Appeals are not permitted in the event the umpire does not call the player out.
4. The only exception to this rule occurs when an errant throw pulls the first baseman (or any player catching the ball at first base) into foul territory. In this case, the batter/runner may touch either base. The defensive player can only touch the white base in order for the batter/runner to be called out.
5. For the safety of all players, under no circumstances can a runner is not permitted to slide/dive into first base coming from home plate, except to avoid a collision with the defensive player who is forced by an errant throw to enter the runner’s base path. When there is no danger of collision with the defensive player, the runner will be called out if the runner slides. Sliding back to first base is permitted if the runner is returning from partially going to second base.
Base Running (leaving base before contact)
Batter must make contact with the ball prior to a runner leaving the base. The umpire must see it and call the base runner out for leaving early. If the umpire does not see the runner leave early the runner is not out. Appeals are not permitted. Nor is reliance on the runner to state whether he had come off the base to be considered.
Batter has option not to accept a walk (Platinum, Diamond Divisions and Wednesday League only)
1. A batter must be pitched at least one (1) strike per at bat. A batter can decide to take a walk after four (4) balls are pitched. It is the batter’s choice whether to wait for a strike or not. The batter who elects to continue to take pitches may be called out on strikes.
2. THE FOLLOWING WAS PROPOSED BUT NOT APPROVED. THIS WILL BE REVISITED AT THE END OF THE 2024 SEASON: If the batter does not elect to take the walk after 4 straight balls and the pitcher eventually throws a total of eight (8) balls, even if one or two strikes are also thrown, the batter is automatically awarded second base. Any player already on first, second or third base advances as necessary to make room for the batter to reach second base.
Defensive Inning Play Required
All players must play a minimum of three (3) defensive innings per game, except for the Extra Hitter or Extra Hitters.
Defensive Players (Outfield)
In the Diamond Division only, five outfielders are permitted, bringing the total number of defensive players to twelve (12).
Defensive Plays at Home Plate
1. Runners will be called out at the home plate area when the defensive player in possession of the ball is in contact with any portion of the expanded “home plate area”.
2. Touching the expanded “home plate area” is defined as the touching of any part of the expanded plate (including a mat, if utilized) by the defensive player in possession/control of the ball.
3. Runners may not be tagged out after they pass the commitment line coming to the home plate area.
Extra Hitter (EH)
For the Gold and Platinum Sunday Divisions and the Wednesday League:
One Extra Hitter (EH) per game may be utilized by a team. This player will not play the field but is included in the batting lineup for that one game, subject to the following:
1. A player can request to be designated an EH for reasons of safety, such as in the event of an injury, struggling with heat or cold, or physical issues related to age.
2. Once the player has requested to be treated as an EH, the Manager will advise the opposing manager.
3. A different player may request to be designated as an EH for the second game. In that event, the player who was designated as an EH in game one is required permitted, if able, to play on defense and in the batting lineup.
4. No substitutions are permitted once the game begins. If the player designated as an EH player is unable to remain in the batting lineup for reasons of health or safety, the team will not be penalized with an out when the EH player is scheduled to bat.
5. Any Manager who forces a player to be an EH may be subject to the Code of Conduct, Section III, Item C.
For the Diamond Sunday Division only two Extra Hitters (EH) per game may be utilized by a team.
Extra Innings
SSUSA rules (runner placed at second base to start the inning) will not be used. Games will continue to be played until won by one team.
Five Run Rule
1. During innings 1 through 6, the maximum number of runs that can be scored by either team shall be five (5) runs.
2. However, if a team batting is behind by more than five runs at any time during the first 6 innings, the batting team is permitted to catch up and tie the other team’s run total. For example, if a team is three (3) runs behind and the batter hits a grand slam home run, only 3 runs are counted.
3. There is no run limit in the 7th inning and subsequent innings.
Flip Flop Rule
1. The Flip-Flop rule will be invoked in any game when there is a 10-run differential in favor of the visiting team at the start of the “open inning”.
2. If the visiting team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the home team will remain at bat and start a new at-bat, (beginning their seventh or last inning at bat), meaning all runners then on base will return to the dugout. It will be an open inning.
3. If the home team fails to tie or go ahead of the visiting team, the game ends and the visiting team wins. If the home team ties or goes ahead, the visiting team takes its turn at bat.
4. If the visiting team then scores and ties the game, the teams bat according to the original order (visiting team first and home team second).
Game Ending Mercy Rule
1. A 15-run rule will be in effect after the trailing team bats five (5) complete innings.
Infield Fly Rule
When an “infield fly” is called by the umpire, the batter is out, the ball is considered dead and any runners on base MAY NOT advance.
CLARIFYING NOTE: “Infield Fly” is a fair fly ball (not including a line drive) that can be caught by any fielder with ordinary effort when first and second bases or first, second and third base are occupied with less than two outs. Any defensive player can catch an infield fly.
Intentional Walks
Intentional walks are not permitted in the Platinum and Diamond Sunday divisions or the Wednesday League. The Gold Division is exempt from this restriction. See above for additional rules regarding batters who elect not to take a walk after four balls are thrown without a strike being thrown.
Number of Players Required for an official game
A team must have nine players present in order to begin a game. The opposing team will provide a catcher (who will make defensive plays). However, if a team has 10 players, the opposing team will not provide a catcher. Our reasoning is that the team with 10 players already has the advantage of getting through the batting order faster than the other team.
One-and-One Pitch Count for the Game
A one-and-one pitch count is permitted under the following conditions: (a) weather conditions; (b) deteriorating field conditions; or (c) time constraints with regard to field use. Agreement by both managers is required. If both managers do not agree, a 0-0 count will be utilized.
Pitcher Safety
Use of the pitching screen is MANDATORY. The pitcher should get behind the screen after releasing the ball. A pitcher who chooses not to move behind the screen should be encouraged to wear a defensive mask and other protective gear (such as chest and shin protectors). The League WILL NOT provide this equipment. The pitcher accepts the risks of injury if he does not get behind the screen.
Pitching Screen Rules for Balls that Hit the Screen
1. A batted ball striking any part of the screen, or its frame/container, shall be considered a strike and a dead ball.
2. The first batted ball striking any part of the screen, or its frame/container, whenever there are two (2) strikes on the batter, is considered a dead ball and no pitch. The next pitch hit into the screen (two in a row with two strikes) will be a third strike out and dead ball.
3. A ball thrown or touched by a defensive player that comes in contact with any portion of the pitching screen shall be considered “in play.”
4. A defensive player making contact with any portion of the screen shall do so at their own risk. The ball shall remain “live” and “in play.”
Positioning of Pitching Screen After the Start of the Game
1. The pitcher may at the beginning of each inning move the Pitching Screen left or right but no further than the closest edge of the pitching rubber.
2. Once placed, unless a new pitcher enters the game, the pitching screen cannot be moved once the defensive inning has started.
3. If the pitching screen is moved away from its position after the start of the inning, the pitcher will be warned. In the event of a second violation during that game, the pitcher will be disqualified from pitching the rest of that day.
Protests must be made by a team manager or designee. At the point of protest, the umpire must be immediately notified of a protest, and the umpire must sign the protesting manager’s score book. In the event there was no umpire present at the protested game, the opposing team manager must be made aware of the protest at the point of protest. A protest must be communicated by the protesting manager to the League President no later than 48 hours following the end of the game, followed by a written statement outlining the reason(s) for the protest. Upon receipt of the written protest, the League President must contact the umpire to discuss the situation. The Executive Board must render a decision within five (5) days.
Runner Passing the Commitment Line
A runner on or rounding third base may not return to third base after passing the commitment line and must run to the home plate area.
Slide or Veer Requirement at 2nd and 3rd base
1. A baserunner must not initiate contact with any defense player or is automatically out.
2. A runner must either slide or veer to avoid contact with a defensive player at either second or third base AND to permit the defensive player to make a throw. To clarify the throw rule, a runner must slide or veer out of the way of an outgoing ball thrown by the fielder in an attempt to complete a double play. For example, a runner cannot stay in the baseline and try to block such a throw during a double play attempt. The runner must slide (including a ducking type of slide) or veer away from the throw.
3. At the beginning of the games, the managers must clarify with the umpire that they are to declare a double-play if the player on first base when the play begins, fails to slide or veer should a defensive player be attempting a force play at second base and in the umpire’s judgment the runner would not have otherwise reached first base safely.
4. Incidental contact, which is a judgement call by the umpire, shall not be subject to this rule.
5. Managers should discuss the League’s slide or veer rule with umpires prior to the beginning of the game.
6. If a defensive player drops the ball, a runner who veers to avoid contact with the defensive player may will be called safe if in the judgment of the umpire the runner would have made it safety to the base had the runner not veered away.
The following language is included from the SSUSA rules for emphasis:
Sliding or diving into first base or the scoring line or scoring plate is permitted ONLY to avoid a collision with a defensive player. This is an umpire’s judgment call and is not subject to protest or appeal. A player may slide or dive into second or third bases, or when returning to any base. A runner must make every effort to avoid colliding with opposing players while running the bases or sliding or diving. If in the umpire’s judgment a runner misses a base to avoid a collision, the runner will not be called out. If in the umpire’s judgment the runner fails to avoid a collision with a defensive player involved in the play, the ball will be declared dead and the runner called out. All base runners except for the batter will be returned to their previous base unless forced to advance. If in the umpire’s judgement the runner’s collision with the defensive player involved in the play negates a double play, the umpire may award a second out. See SJSSL Code of Conduct for rough or aggressive playing tactics.
Stepping Off First or Third Base
1. Runners may place themselves in foul territory at 3rd and 1st base to avoid injury being struck by balls hit in their direction. The runner should must announce his intention to the umpire.
2. Runners stepping off the base MUST re-touch their respective base before advancing. Failure to do so will result in an out, but the ball shall remain in play.
Third Strike Foul Ball or Foul Tip
A foul tip on the third strike shall be considered an out. The height of the foul tip is of no importance.
Tie Games
When a game must be called after 5 innings and the score is tied, the game is recorded as a tie game but the game does not count for or against either team’s season record. Games will not be made-up or later completed. The game is described as “No Decision” in the season records.
Starting Times
1. Double headers shall be played each Sunday and Wednesday as indicated in the League schedule.
2. Games scheduled on Sundays during the month of April shall start at 9:30 a.m. Games in all other months shall start at 9:00 a.m.
3. All games scheduled on Wednesdays shall start at 9:30 a.m.
4. Games schedules, including playing sites and the playoff format must be submitted for Executive Board approval prior to the start of the season.
1. Line-up sheets shall designate the batting order of players. Providing the defensive position of the players is optional.
2. Line-ups must be exchanged at the start of each game for official record-keeping to determine player playoff eligibility.
No make-up games will be played, unless there is an odd number of teams in the division and bye weeks occur in the schedule. If numerous rainouts, this should warrant consideration of make-up games to be scheduled and built in at the end of the season’s schedule in that division as agreed to by a majority of managers and the VP/Commissioner at the start of the season.
NOTE: The reason for this rule is that make-up games interfere with the season’s schedule and will delay the holding of playoffs.
1. The League goal is to create teams with parity of talent to promote good competition.
2. In order to accomplish the League goal, a League-wide system of player drafting for each Sunday division and the Wednesday League is to be has been adopted, as follows:
(a) Manager and Assistant Manager. However, if a manager is not also an active player, the manager must will be able to select a player from the previous year’s roster with a rating equal to or below his own rating prior to the first round of the draft.
(b) Up to three players retained from the previous year’s roster;
(c) Players are to be rated well in advance of the draft according to a 40-point system of 1 to 10 points for each of four categories: hitting, running fielding and throwing. A player who pitches all or most of the time is rated for pitching rather than throwing as a clear indication of the player’s position ability;
(d) At the pre-season player draft, the selection order for the first round will be based on the combined ratings of each team’s manager, assistant manager and up to three players from the previous year’s roster. The manager whose beginning combined total is lowest will pick first, and the other managers will pick in succession from next lowest to the highest.
(e) The order of selection for each round thereafter will be determined by the cumulative totals of manager, assistant manager and all players drafted to that point.
This system of player rating and drafting is considered by the League as essential to achieve the League’s objective of team parity.
Here is an example: Team 1, 2 & 4 picking 3 players. Team 3 picking only 2 players
Team 1: mgr – 26; asst. mgr - 22; retained player - 35; retained player - 30; retained player - 28. Total pts - 141
Team 2: mgr – 30; asst. mgr - 21; retained player - 36; retained player - 31; retained player - 27. Total pts - 145
Team 3: mgr - 22; asst. mgr - 18; retained player - 35; retained player - 28. Total pts - 103 + 36= (139)
Team 4: mgr - 20; asst. mgr - 22; retained player - 36; retained player - 31; retained player - 28. Total pts - 137
Team 3, who is retaining only 2 players from last year’s team has the lowest cumulative points, and therefore picks first. They choose a player rated at 36. Team 3’s new total points is now 139 and now all teams have same number of players.
Now all four teams are able to draft a player, with Team 4 (137) picking first, followed by team 3 (139), then team 1 (141) and team 2 (145) is last. Based on the “total” player ratings of each team in this round, the order of drafting in the next round is determined, again, by the cumulative point total with the lowest team points picking first, next lowest second and so on for each round.
(f) In the event there are insufficient registered players available for all teams to draft a player in the final found, the manager of the team with the lowest aggregate player point total may select one of the remaining undrafted players or choose no one. The manager of the team with the second lowest aggregate player point total may do the same, and so on, until the number of teams matches the number of undrafted players. At that point all other manages must draft one of the remaining undrafted players.
3. A player who has completed two consecutive seasons with a team may decline to be selected as a reserved player in the next season’s draft.
4. A player who has completed one season with a team may decline to be selected as a reserved player in the next season’s draft if the player secures the permission of his prior season’s manager.
5. Player Unreliability: A manager may request approval from the division Vice President to remove a player from his roster if the player fails to show up (as a no show, meaning that he said he would show up, then no call and no show) for two consecutive sets of game or fails to advise the manager until the last minute that he is not coming on three occasions to that point in the season. A combination of three no shows or last- minute cancellations or, a player continues to call out as not playing week in and week out, wasting a roster spot also applies. The player should receive a warning with a phone call from the league VP/Commissioner prior to removal to the substitute pool in order to correct the behavior. If removed from that roster, the player will be assigned to the substitute pool for the remainder of the season. The player will then be reassigned to a new team roster the following season. A second season of unreliability may result in possible permanent placement in the pool, as decided by the Executive Board. A player who quits the team during a game or during the season may face a possible suspension for the rest of the season. The division VP/Commissioner, in consultation with the EC, will make the determination if quitting the team warrants further action. Players who quit on teams two or more times over subsequent seasons may be required to play out of the pool until such time as the EC determines.
Consequences to a Team After a Player Ejection
1. When a player is ejected, the manager may not replace him with another player. Thereafter, an out will be recorded for every scheduled at bat for the ejected player during the game in progress.
2. There are no line-up restrictions on the ejected player’s team for the second game, when a player is ejected from game one. The second game is simply played without the ejected player.
3. The ejected player’s team may use a substitute (poor player) for any subsequent games that the ejected player is forced to miss if the team needs a substitute to make 10 players.
4. In the event a player is ejected during a Wednesday League first game, the gap in the second game line-up is filled simply by the remaining players moving up in accordance with the practice on Wednesday that the second game line-up begins with the player next scheduled to bat when the first game ends.
Ejections by the Umpire for Cause:
Refer to the Code of Conduct section for specific conditions and behaviors that trigger ejections.
Age Determination
1. For eligibility to play in the Gold division of the League, a player must attain age 45 by the end of December.
2. For eligibility to play in the Platinum division and in the Wednesday League, a player must attain age 60 by the end of December.
3. For eligibility to play in the Diamond division, a player must attain age 70 by the end of December.
Age Requirements
Gold Division:
Ages 45–61 (players age 60 or 61 have the option to remain in Gold or move up to Platinum. Age 62 player must move to Platinum.
Platinum Division:
Ages 60-71(players age 70 to 71 have the option to remain in Platinum or move up to Diamond. Age 72, player must move to Diamond).
Diamond Division:
Ages 70+
Wednesday League:
Ages 60+
Age Verification
Team managers are responsible for age verifications for all players on their roster, in accordance with the following procedures:
1. The age of all players must be verified before they play during the 2021 season. Thereafter, only players new to the League will require verification of their age. The Executive Board will determine the date that all age verification will be completed. Players without age verification after that date will not be permitted to play until age is verified.
2. To the extent possible, a League official shall at the earliest time possible at the beginning of the season arrive at the field early enough to confirm the age of each player by examination of the player’s driver’s license or birth certificate. If a League official is not present, the Managers or Assistant Managers should perform the age verifications.
3. Managers shall instruct players to bring identification and be prepared to show it to the League official.
4. The League official, Manager or Assistant Manager shall record the date of birth for each player for submission to the League’s Executive Board through the use of the League form created to capture player information and consent to the League terms for participation.
Game Day Player Eligibility
1. Any player on the roster who arrives after the start of the game is permitted to play but must be added to the bottom of the line-up for that game on Sundays. For Wednesdays the player remains in the same batting order as in game one; however (based on who made the last out in game one) his place in the line-up may be higher.
2. No additional players can be added to a team’s game day roster on game day without VP/Commissioner approval.
In-season Assignment of Players Not on a Team Roster, including Substitute/Replacement Players
1. In the event a manager determines that fewer than eleven (11) players will be available for the upcoming week’s games, the manager can contact the Sunday Division Vice President or Wednesday League Commissioner to request assignment to his team of a sufficient number of players not assigned to another division/league team, subject to the following restrictions: (a) substitute pool players must be placed at the bottom of the line-up; (b) substitute players are prohibited from playing more innings than any player on the regular roster, except if a regular roster player is injured or requests to be relieved; (c) Gold Only: if the 12th player is a substitute (pool) player, that player must sit for a minimum of 3 defensive innings; and (d) the opposing team manager must be notified BEFORE the start of the game.
2. In the event that players who were not scheduled to come out surprisingly show up and the team now has more than eleven (11) players, the substitute (pool) players will play but must bat at the bottom of the line-up.
3. All players recruited during the season will go into the League’s pool of substitute players; and, when a team needs a player or players for its roster, the VP/Commission shall assign players of comparable ability (to the extent possible) to the team in need of players and communicate that assignment of player or players to all other managers.
In-season Addition of Players New to the League
Any players who registers after the holding of the league's draft but prior to the games beginning in week eight (8) of the season, is eligible to be added to the roster of a team that has a roster opening, subject to the following:
1. The player must be age-eligible to play in the division.
2. All managers in the division must agree to the addition of the player to the requesting team.
3. To be eligible for the playoffs, the newly-added player must have played in a minimum of one game more than one-half of the remaining games in the season.
3. In the event the player has registered during or after week eight (8) of the season, or all managers do not agree to the player being added to a team, the new player will be added to the substitute pool. The game day managers can then decide whether the new player plays both games for one team or plays one game for each team.
Payment of League fees:
Every member of the League is responsible for paying their team fees. Managers should notify the League President in the event the League fees are not paid by the fourth week of the season to explain the circumstances and discuss appropriate action.
1. A player must have played in 50% of regular season games, plus one.
2. Rain outs do not count for or against the total.
3. An injured player is credited with games when injured.
4. A player added to a roster during the season must have played in 50% of the remaining games, plus one.
5. Non-roster players who have played when a team was short of roster players are not eligible to play on any team during the playoffs. In other words, no pool players are eligible for the playoffs; only players on the permanent team rosters are eligible.
During the roster building process, managers may engage in player trades/reassignments. No further trades/reassignments are permitted once the rosters are set (unless the Sunday Division VP/Wednesday League Commissioner deems an emergency where a trade is required to keep a team viable). Trades must be approved by a majority of the managers in the division and the VP/Commissioner. The player(s) involved in the trade must also approve the trade.
1. All teams should strive to have a minimum of 16 players on their rosters.
2. All teams must have a minimum of 14 active players on their rosters during the playing season.
3. If a team falls below 12 active players on the roster, the manager and division VP/Commissioner will attempt to help find replacement rostered players.
4. All registered players who commit to regularly play during the season are included in the draft.
5. There is no maximum roster size established by the League. Sixteen (16) players on a roster is considered optimum, however. Thus, if the number of the players in the draft is sufficient to fill the roster of an additional team, all effort should be made to recruit a manager and assistant manager for the newly-created team.
Game Day
1. If a team fails to field at least 9 players by 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, the game will be forfeited.
2. The second game must start no later than 15 minutes following forfeit of the first game or the second game is also forfeited.
3. The score to be recorded for a forfeited game shall be 7 to 0.
4. In the event of a forfeit due to insufficient players, all players from both teams present at the field shall receive credit for playing the game, to be applied to playoff eligibility.
5. Players present are encouraged to play an exhibition game rather than just go home.
Game Management
1. Only managers are permitted to discuss issues with the umpire.
2. Players on the defensive team shall not leave their field position to dispute an umpire’s call.
3. A batter on the offensive team shall not leave the batter’s box to dispute an umpire’s call.
4. Any other player on the offensive team shall not leave the dugout or bench area to dispute an umpire’s call.
5. Managers are responsible to keep their players under control at all times.
6. The League President or his designee shall be responsible for the coordination of umpire requirements.
Regular Season
1. Paid umpires are to be utilized by all divisions for the summer League games.
2. Team managers will pay the umpire fees in cash at the beginning of each game.
3. Should an umpire fail to show at a scheduled game, the involved teams are expected to provide their own umpires utilizing roster players.
4. If a third-party agrees to umpire a game, the League is not responsible for any costs involved.
5. If the umpire arrives at the field and the game is cancelled because one or both of the teams have forfeited because of too few players, the umpire fee will not be returned to the forfeiting team. The forfeiting team will pay the umpire fee for that game.
During the championship round of playoffs, managers may mutually agree to use more than one umpire. Any additional cost shall be borne by the teams involved. However, the League, upon a vote in favor by the Executive Board, may agree to reimburse teams for extra umpire fees during the playoff games.
A. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Spectator Shall: Verbally or visually demonstrate, in an aggressively disrespectful manner, disagreement with an umpire or league official’s decision. It shall be the right of the Manager to request, in a respectful manner, an explanation of a call or rule interpretation.
B. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Spectator Shall: Appear on the field of play under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or consume alcohol at the facility prior to or during the game.
C. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Spectator Shall: Use aggressive, profane, obscene or vulgar language or gestures in any manner, at any time towards another player, umpire, coach or spectator.
D. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Significantly harass, heckle, insult, jeer or use verbal tactics to embarrass or insult a league official and participant (e.g., teammate) at any time before, during or after a game .
E. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager, or Team Representative Shall: Use rough or aggressive playing tactics that could result in injury.
F. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Team Representative Shall: Give false or misleading information or fail to cooperate with a legitimate request from a league official.
G. Team Managers Shall: When requested by the game official, assist him or her in the enforcement of the Player Code of Conduct or rules and control players making threats.
H. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Spectator Shall: Throw equipment in anger or frustration, such as bats, gloves, balls, bases, etc. causing a safety or unsportsmanlike issue. Depending on the severity, the consequence can be a warning from the umpire and/or penalty from the League.
Penalties for Section I Violations
1. The umpire is in charge of the game and will use his/her judgement about conduct that warrants possible warnings or possible ejection of a player, coach, or spectator. This applies to all Sections of this Code of Conduct. If the umpire ejects a player form the first game of a doubleheader, that player should not be allowed to play in the second game that day, as per umpire discretion. The umpire can require the ejected play to leave the field of play, meaning beyond the umpire’s sight and hearing from the field for the remainder of the day.
2. Possible (1-2) one or two game suspension can be imposed by the Executive Council for each individual violation of Section I beyond the umpire’s ejection, if imposed. Suspension can be appealed in writing, and submitted to the League President. If the violation occurs in the first game of a double header, and the player sat out the second game that day, that game can count as game one of a subsequent EC imposed suspension. A two game suspension could be the second game that day and the first game of the next double header. If the violation occurs in the second game, the player sits out the remainder of the game as well as the next two games. The umpire will decide if the player must leave the field/facility so that the umpire cannot hear or see the player. One of the managers will inform the division VP/Commissioner. The division VP/Commissioner will inform the player and the league President.
3. Penalty will be doubled if this is the second violation in a one-year period.
4. A third violation within that playing year may result in up to a one year suspension.
5. The Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner reserves the right to increase this penalty as the situation warrants. Each incident will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
6. SSUSA rules apply: The spot in the line-up vacated by the ejected player cannot be filled by another player. An out in the line-up occurs each time the removed player would have come to bat in that game.
A. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager or Spectator Shall: Be guilty of verbal threats either sexually or racially discriminatory directed at any other participant, team manager, player, spectator, umpire, or league official.
B. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Engage in a continuous verbal attack upon an official, other participants or spectators after they have been ejected from a game and/or make a verbal threat of physical violence upon anyone.
C. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Charge an official, or make incidental physical contact with the body, or kick dirt or other matter on the official when disputing a decision.
D. No Participant (e.g., player), Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Fail to abide by an official’s decision. Player(s) must leave the facility if requested by the game official. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit by the ejected player(s) team for the remaining game(s) that day.
Penalties for Section II Violations:
1. Possible (2-8) two to eight games suspension may be imposed for each violation of Section II. If the violation occurs in the first game of a double header, the player will sit the second game that day. If the violation occurs in the second game, the player sits out the remainder of the game as well as the next two-eight games. The umpire will decide if the player must leave the field/facility so the umpire cannot hear or see the player. One of the managers will inform the division VP/Commissioner. The division VP/Commissioner will inform the player and the League President.
2. Penalty will be doubled when it is the second violation in same year.
3. A third violation within that playing year may result in up to a one-two year suspension.
4. The Executive Board and Division VP /Commissioner reserves the right to increase this penalty as the situation warrants. Each incident will be dealt with on a case-by-case-basis.
5. SUSA rules apply: The spot in the line-up vacated by the suspended player cannot be filled by another player. An out in the line-up occurs each time the removed player would have come to bat in that game.
6. Appeal: See Code of Conduct Section IV, paragraph 2.
A. No Participant, Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Be guilty of causing or intending to cause physical contact with an official, player or spectator when disputing a decision.
B. No Participant, Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Perform battery (as defined in the NJ Penal Code) upon any game official, league representative, player or spectator at any time on or near a playing facility and/or at a meeting facility.
C. No manager or player shall: Purposefully manipulate their roster to gain a competitive advantage, such as calling players to stay home in order to have their best players only play.
Penalties for Section III Violations:
1. Participant is immediately suspended from further play until the incident is reviewed by the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner. A rest of the year or full year suspension is the recommended minimum penalty, although the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner has the final decision. Depending on the severity of the incident, past conduct and other factors, a participant may be suspended for up to 5 years by the Executive Board.
2. Penalty may be doubled if this is the second incident of a serious nature.
3. The Executive Board and Division VP /Commissioner reserves the right to increase this penalty as the situation warrants. The EC will determine if the altercation is self defense or retaliation. Each incident will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
4. SSUSA rules apply: The spot in the line-up vacated by the suspended player cannot be filled by another player. An out in the line-up occurs each time the removed player would have come to bat in that game.
No Participant, Team Manager, or Spectator Shall: Engage in or provoke a physical attack on another participant at the facility. This includes retaliation for the actions of another player. (Any person has the right to defend him/herself from a physical attack) See Section III, item A for further details if applicable. This action may be deemed a section III violation.
Review and Appeal Process
1. Game officials/managers will notify the Division VP/Commissioner and the league President of the incident. The Division VP/Commissioner will gather information and prepare a written incident report (including statements from players/managers/umpire) to the President.
2. The Executive Board will review the incident and may impose additional penalties if warranted, as outlined in the penalty sections. The manager and involved players will be mailed written notification of any additional disciplinary action.
3. The participants may appeal, in writing, any disciplinary action. Appeals for violations will be reviewed by the Division VP/Commissioner who will review the action with the Executive Board. The Executive Board will make a final decision.
4. A third suspension within any two-year period will carry an automatic one-year suspension in addition to the penalty.
5. Failure to abide with the suspension(s) will result in an automatic additional year penalty, and forfeit of any game participated in after the suspension was levied.
6. After serving the suspension, any player suspended for a year (or “rest of year”) or more must appeal to the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner for reinstatement. The player will appear in person at a closed meeting with the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner to make the appeal. The player may bring witnesses (e.g., existing league player support) to the meeting but no one else. Upon hearing the appeal, the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner will render a decision by a majority vote to allow reinstatement. Given the concept of rehabilitation, the Executive Board and Division VP/Commissioner should make every effort to support the player’s willingness to play and abide by the rules. This reinstatement could include a one-year probation period that includes no incidents of inappropriate behavior from the player.
7. The Executive Board has the authority to suspend a player from both Sunday and Wednesday leagues for conduct if warranted.
8. The Sunday Division VP/Wednesday League Commissioner will communicate to all managers all decisions relating the suspensions.