SJSSL Rules & Regulations

New Age Rule (Adopted for 2022)
New Age Rule
As most of you are aware, the league held its monthly meeting Wednesday 11-17-2021 at the Big Event In Cherry Hill. The main topic of the night was the age limit rule, or as it has been discussed as by the sustainability committee. This subject has been raised extensively over the last several decades. A plan was developed and voted on in the spring of 2020 and then revised over the last two months. The Executive Board, along with the sustainability committee and coaches have been consulted. The rule the Administrative Board came to, and adopted was the following;
Ages 45-61
Players between the ages of 60 & 61 have the option to move up to the Platinum Division. They must notify the league by February 1 of that playing year. If a player between those ages chooses to move back down (from Platinum to Gold for example), and are eligible, they must notify the league by no later than Feb. 1st of that playing year. At the age of 62 (the playing year a players reaches the age in the calendar year) that player MUST move up to the Platinum Division. Example: If a player turns 62 on December 15, 2022, that Gold player must move up to the Platinum Division for the 2022 playing year.
Ages 60-71
Players between the ages of 70 & 71 have the option to move up to the Diamond Division. Same rules apply as in the Platinum Division mentioned above in the Gold. When the player reaches the age of 72 of that playing year, the player MUST move up to the Diamond Division.
Ages 72 and up
This was the proposed rule that was introduced to the coaches and players attendees at the meeting. After lengthily discussions by most attending members (and there was a huge turnout), one more suggestion was made to be addendum to the newly proposed rule.
That suggestion was that each manager in the GOLD and PLATINUM Divisions from the preceding summer, (for this year, the summer season 2021) of the respective team they are on, can designate a "Franchise Tag” for one player at or above the age of 62/72, if that player wants to stay down. That player can refuse the tag and move up. A franchise tag is NOT required to be used by the manager.
The Executive Board considered this suggestion and agreed with the knowledge that this "Franchise Tag" rule only be allowed for the next two playing seasons (2022/2023) as a transition to the new age requirements.. That rule was presented for a vote at the meeting for the executive board and coaches and the rule overwhelmingly passed. As such, it is official that commencing in the year 2022 all players reaching the age of 62 (Or are over the age of 62) must move to the Platinum Division from the Gold. All players who have reached the age of 72 (Or are over the age of 72) must move to the Diamond Division, with the exception of the "Franchise Tag" players for the next two seasons.